Guadalupe Valley Lakes Litigation Dismissed

On March 1, 2023, the Fourth Court of Appeals issued a definitive order, ruling that all causes of action brought by the Plaintiffs in the case of Williams v. GBRA against GBRA, as well as GBRA’s claims for attorneys’ fees and costs, are dismissed with prejudice. This final judgment signifies the resolution of the legal dispute, bringing an end to the litigation process between the parties involved.

Background: Williams v. GBRA Case

The Williams v. GBRA case emerged as a legal battle between the Plaintiffs and GBRA, with the former asserting various causes of action against the latter. The case was brought before the judicial system to resolve the contentious issues raised by the Plaintiffs.

Court's Decree: Dismissal with Prejudice

In a definitive and conclusive move, the Fourth Court of Appeals, after careful consideration of the evidence and arguments presented by both parties, issued a decree on March 1, 2023. The Court’s ruling dictated the dismissal of all causes of action asserted by the Plaintiffs against GBRA in the Williams v. GBRA case. This dismissal applies to GBRA’s claims for attorneys’ fees and costs as well.

Implications of the Court's Decision

With the dismissal of the case, the Court’s ruling serves as a final resolution of the legal dispute. The decision delivered with prejudice implies that the claims brought by the Plaintiffs against GBRA cannot be refiled in the future. This marks a significant milestone for GBRA, as it brings closure to the litigation process and removes any legal liability associated with the claims made by the Plaintiffs.


The March 1, 2023 decree by the Fourth Court of Appeals has concluded the Williams v. GBRA case. By dismissing all causes of action asserted by the Plaintiffs against GBRA and GBRA’s claims for attorneys’ fees and costs, the Court’s decision has provided a final and binding resolution to the legal dispute. GBRA can now move forward, free from the ongoing litigation, as it continues its mission of serving the community and fulfilling its responsibilities.